The last meeting was enjoyed by a number of members at the old Richmond Racecourse, as it was election day, and the hall was unavailable. Something different on a pleasant but windy evening.
The next meeting of the club is on Thursday 22nd June, at the usual time of 7.30 pm, at Colburn Village Hall. This is planned as an 80 metre contest night, but as always our members are free to do their own thing if they do not wish to take part in the event.
I am pleased to announce that we have two members who have successfully passed their Foundation level examinations with flying colours; Steve Jessup (M6JNZ), and Maddie Dale, (M6JOV). Maddie is the first Girl Guide in Richmond to gain an amateur radio licence, and she is to be featured in the Darlington and Stockton Times on Friday 23rd. June.
The club is to give a talk to two youth clubs within the North Yorkshire Youth group, and hope by taking radio to the youth of the area, this may encourage some more to people to join. Mac Potts has offered to help Colin with this project.
We now have a new Webmaster in the form of member Andy Thornton, who has kindly offered to take over maintenance of the club’s web site. The news, meeting schedule and contact pages are fully functional, and additional content will be added over the coming weeks.
Mac Potts is to give his long-awaited talk on the Raspberry Pi, the useful pocket sized computer which can be used for so many things, on Thursday 27th. July. I intend to invite other clubs to this event. The previously listed talk on Richmond School Amateur Radio Society will be rescheduled.
Mac has suggested that we provide our members with a paper-based directory of all club members and their callsigns. This would be distributed only to club members, and would not be made public. Colin would like the agreement of all our members before pressing ahead with this, so if you have any comments, objections or concerns, please let him know via. email, or using the contact form on the web site.