7th Dec 2022 | No in-person meeting. Net to be held on the GB3IR repeater at 19:30. |
18th January 2023 | Changes to amateur radio exams and licence, by Martyn (G3RLV). |
15th February | Field Strength Calculation and Ofcom EMC Requirements by Ian (G0IXE) |
15th March | Morse and Bug Keys, by Paul (G4AFU) |
19th April | Interference tales, by John (G6CZC) |
17th May | “SPARK TO SPEECH”: a talk on vintage radio by Charles (G4DXP) |
21st June | Testing & checking recent equipment donation, and associated discussion. The Junk Sale originally scheduled for this meeting has been postponed (possibly to July meeting?) |
19th Jul | This will be a follow-up to last month’s meeting (NOT Junk Sale). We hope to have the new transceiver in action for live contacts. And if anyone knows how to set up a System Fusion radio (Yaesu FTM-400XD) it would be good to get that in action! |
Aug | No meeting |
20th Sept | Discussion with Paul, G8PYX and our RSGB region 4 Rep Ian Bowman, G7ESY on ideas for future club activities. |
18th October | Two activities: 1. “What is this?” – see our Facebook page for more details. 2. A modern way of adjusting a new aerial |
15th November | AGM. Please try to get along to this: you can let us know what activities you like best, and make suggestions. It’s YOUR club! |
20th December | N.B. No meeting |