Past Meetings

7th Dec 2022No in-person meeting. Net to be held on the GB3IR repeater at 19:30.
18th January 2023Changes to amateur radio exams and licence, by Martyn (G3RLV).
15th FebruaryField Strength Calculation and Ofcom EMC Requirements by Ian (G0IXE)
15th MarchMorse and Bug Keys, by Paul (G4AFU)
19th AprilInterference tales, by John (G6CZC)
17th May“SPARK TO SPEECH”: a talk on vintage radio by Charles (G4DXP)
21st JuneTesting & checking recent equipment donation, and associated discussion. The Junk Sale originally scheduled for this meeting has been postponed (possibly to July meeting?)
19th JulThis will be a follow-up to last month’s meeting (NOT Junk Sale). We hope to have the new transceiver in action for live contacts. And if anyone knows how to set up a System Fusion radio (Yaesu FTM-400XD) it would be good to get that in action!
AugNo meeting
20th SeptDiscussion with Paul, G8PYX and our RSGB region 4 Rep Ian Bowman, G7ESY on ideas for future club activities.
18th OctoberTwo activities: 1. “What is this?” – see our Facebook page for more details.    2. A modern way of adjusting a new aerial
15th NovemberAGM. Please try to get along to this: you can let us know what activities you like best, and make suggestions. It’s YOUR club!
20th DecemberN.B. No meeting